Manna From Mayhem || Today

Today I deposited money into my bank account in the open air of a drive-thru without fear of being held at gunpoint.

Today my children & I bowed our heads in public and thanked God for our meal.

Today I wore flip flops and shorts, and I was not beaten for baring my legs or toes.

Today was the first day of summer for my daughter, whose worries include swimming and make believe - not war and oppression.

Today I lived without fear of being raped, sodomized, or otherwise abused.

Today I will sleep in my own bed, with my family nestled around me.

Today someone else lost all of these things and much more.

Today someone else made the permanent sacrifice of forfeiting their life in honor of this country.

Today a son was lost.  A mother or father.  A sister or brother.  A daughter and friend.

Today will you remember the sacrifices made for your freedom?

If you know someone who has lost a loved one fighting for our country (this week or 50 years ago), please reach out to them on this holiday weekend to let them know their hero is remembered.  We too often forget that almost daily someone gives up all their freedoms to sustain ours.  Today a mother's heart is forever gashed with a crippling loss we cannot understand for a freedom we do not appreciate.  The least we can do is let her know we will not forget her loss.  Remember and honor the true heros in this world.

If you have lost a family member or friend on the battle field, I say to you I am forever in debt to your loved one.  I cannot thank them personally, but I can and do remember their bravery.  And I will teach my children about true courage and how freedom is anything but free.

Today. For we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

"Your men will fall by the sword, your warriors in battle." - Isaiah 3:25

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